Anandam Ayurveda
Anandam, the word in Sanskrit –one of the oldest languages in the world, means a combination of euphoria and extreme bliss. Anandabhairavi , a music raga has the ability to cure illness. Anandam as a brand name is most appropriate for the ayurveda centre at the Travancore Heritage, the world’s best heritage Resort in Kerala.
Anandam, our ayurveda centre adheres to the very same principles practiced in the most traditional way in ayurveda. And it’s quite amazing that the 5000 year old –science is finding solutions to modern mans problems.
Part of therapy involves actual treatment, while the other consists of lifestyle changes. According to ayurveda principle, the human being has three dimensions – the body, mind and soul. These three dimensions are set in an individualized pattern based on the predominant dosha (Prakriti). An imbalance in any one of these dimensions leads to ill being (Vikruti). It is only after a detailed consultation that the physician determines the cause of this imbalance, using ancient techniques of observation (darshana), touching/ feeling (sparsana) and interrogation (prasna). After the consultation, the patient is given a detailed description of what might they have to undergo over the next few days/ weeks.

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Why Choose Us
Over 4000 Years Young
Ayurveda is the perfect ancient science of life. The word 'ayur' literally means life and 'veda' the science of knowledge. It implies to connected ideas, the science of life and art of living. Pioneered by renowned sages - Susrutha, Charaka and Vagbhata, ayurveda encompasses a world view that is ecological and eco-centric in spirit. It emphasises on the preventive rather than the curative aspect of therapy and orients itself towards a healthy and enlightened lifestyle. When Ayurveda lost its way in the other areas of India during the medieval period, due to foreign invasion, only in Kerala it was kept alive and because of that reason Kerala developed its own Ayurvedic treatment techniques known as Keraleeya Panchakarma.
Ayurveda Courses
- Ayurvedic Massage Programme
- Two Week Courses panchakarma
- One week Basic Programme